Rowley’s Lane –Groups are face to face and for service users already known to Flintshire SMS only. Groups are usually run on a Monday. We do not take referrals for this group; if you have any queries about this group, please contact

Penrhyn House (North Wales Recovery Centre) –Groups run on Thursdays from 10am – 12pm at Penrhyn House. They also run an MOIMR group on Anglesey which runs on Thursdays from 2.00 – 4.00pm. Both groups can be accessed face to face and online. The groups run consecutively, and service users can join at any time during the groups run. Penrhyn House asks that service users contact them direct on 01248 352771 if they want to access groups there. More info on the range of activities available at Penrhyn House can be found here – Our Services – North Wales Recovery Communities (

Conwy SMS –Groups run on Wednesdays at the Dawn Centre from 11.00 – 1.00. Their latest group started on Wednesday 14th February. Groups are face to face and primarily for service users already known to Conwy SMS, but they do accept referrals for people living in Conwy who aren’t known to the SMS service.

Online Group –The latest group started on Thursday 15th February. This group runs every Thursday 2pm – 4.30pm and is accessed online via zoom. It is closed to new referrals but we are holding a wait list for the next group. I don’t have dates for this group as yet.

Attendants must be sober when attending meetings.  If they are not yet abstinent from alcohol or illicit substances, then they do need to be highly motivated to do so and be able to attend whilst not being under the influence of alcohol or illicit substances.

If possible, it is a huge help if you can give us clients email addresses as well as telephone numbers on the referral forms. This enables us to make contact and signpost service users to some online resources whilst they wait for new groups to start.

For more information on MOIMR and what the groups entail have a look at our website – Home | Moving On In My Recovery (

Please submit your referrals for MOIMR to me – and please specify which group your client is interested in. If you have any queries, feel free to drop me an email.

If you have any referrals for our CAMFA service which offers one to one counselling support for people with substance/alcohol issues or those who are affected by a loved one’s substance misuse issues, please can they be sent to